Andrea LopezNew York City Recording Connection

observation 12 Posted on 2017-12-06 by Andrea Lopez

Not a lot of hands on assignments today but we did get to sit in while some songs by mr probz were being mastered which i still enjoyed. We went over stem mastering today. They sent files in stems this time which was slightly different than how this studio usually masters songs. From what i understood, they were basically put in groups to give the mastering engineer more flexibility and control over the process. So he was able to make tweaks to each group individually as needed. Each set of instruments, vocals and vocal effects had their own tracks but were still being played back at once through a stereo imagine as if it were just one track. All the rooms after that were booked so we stayed in the mastering room getting Q&A's from Mark. We mainly reviewed topics such as different mics, why we still use the same "classics" instead of some newer ones that come out and that also went along with some gear and equiptment.

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Andrea Lopez

observation 1.16.18Posted by Andrea Lopez on 2018-01-18

We were in the mezz and focused on recording on a mic with different polar patterns. We played a song on an iphone and rotated it around the mic changing it from cardiod, hyper cardiod, omnidirectional, and bidirectional... Read More >>