Hey guys, sorry i've been so on and off with my blog posts, I always forget after the Quiz's. I am absolutely loving my apprenticeship, never have I wanted to learn something so bad that I was reading ahead in the chapters of my studies. Today I am heading into engine room audio at 3 too meet up with Benoit for our 14th chapter on dynamic signal processing. Now i can finally learn how to use a compressor properly and not just for my sidechaining in house music :)
Chris Tolan — New York City Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Chris Tolan
Chris Tolan
Hey guys, just finished my quiz on chapter 15, Im really excited about this weeks observation and lesson. I cant stress enough how much I am learning... Read More >>
Chris Tolan
Hey guys, sorry i've been so on and off with my blog posts, I always forget after the Quiz's. I am absolutely loving my apprenticeship, never have I wanted to learn something so bad that I was reading ahead in the chapters of my studies... Read More >>