Chapter 3 began as very confusing because of all the math, and I always stunk at math but as it progressed it became clearer. It was basically taking things I already knew and going into detail. I even read the article about the history of samplers. I enjoyed that part a lot because I never really understood what the purpose of a Sampler was. This chapter also made me realize I have to invest in an external Harddrive, so good thing they aren't too pricey. My internal Harddrives, I have two, are filled with other things such as games that I play and it always makes me nervous having my music on the same drive since I'm always messing with files when I mod Skyrim or GTA V Hahaha :p
Darly Lara — New York City Recording Connection
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Darly Lara
So yesterday I was observing a tracking session and when it was done I had a conversation with one of the other students that was there and he told me he makes beats... Read More >>
Darly Lara
When I saw Mike, he told me."I'm doing a mixing session, you don't mind right?" I reply,"Ofcourse not", especially considering i've been dying to see one... Read More >>