When I saw Mike, he told me."I'm doing a mixing session, you don't mind right?" I reply,"Ofcourse not", especially considering i've been dying to see one. First thing he said was,"If you have any questions ask at any time." I pulled out my notebook and observed what he did and wrote down the questions. I'm very quiet and he's like "do you have any questions?" I replied," I do but I would rather wait till you're finished because I don't want to break your concentration" He said,"Dude, I told you, you can stop me at any time if you have questions, It's fine" So I asked him my questiona and he answered them and I wrote down the Answer. After the Mixing session we got into the lesson. Considering I took Physic of Music/ Sound in high school, I already have a pretty good understanding of the first few chapters and he noticed that. So we went straight to digital audio. Even though I already read the digital chapter and took the quiz before hand he recomemended I go through another book that goes more in depth to see if I develop any questions. So next Thursday we will be briefly be going through digital audio and analog and if I understand everything then we will move on to mic and micplacement which I'm really excited about ;P
Darly Lara — New York City Recording Connection
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Darly Lara
So yesterday I was observing a tracking session and when it was done I had a conversation with one of the other students that was there and he told me he makes beats... Read More >>
Darly Lara
When I saw Mike, he told me."I'm doing a mixing session, you don't mind right?" I reply,"Ofcourse not", especially considering i've been dying to see one... Read More >>