Now things are starting to get interesting. I finally understand how to read the frequenxy response charts for mic and what they mean. I learned so much about different microphones and how they worked. I love the sound of Ribbon microphones for a vintage sound. By the way the SM57 is the industry standard, known as the "the Work Horse," for a reason it's my favorite mic by far. I feel like they shood of put the Rode NT1A in the chapter though, it's the quitest mic in the world. (Self-Noise wise)
Darly Lara — New York City Recording Connection
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Darly Lara
So yesterday I was observing a tracking session and when it was done I had a conversation with one of the other students that was there and he told me he makes beats... Read More >>
Darly Lara
When I saw Mike, he told me."I'm doing a mixing session, you don't mind right?" I reply,"Ofcourse not", especially considering i've been dying to see one... Read More >>