Luke AdissouNew York City Recording Connection

Second studio day Posted on 2014-03-20 by Luke Adissou

The second day in the studio was also amazing. We finished up the first chapter of the book. I got to learn more about sounds and also touched up on things such as waves and frequency. As thing continue to go i continue to learn more and more about what is required for me to become a great engineer. At first i didn’t know that there was so much studying and reading involved in someone becoming an audio engineer i though it was all about learning how to create beats and manipulate waves. I must admit reading about sound and things that go into what we hear everyday is very interesting and it makes me want to learn more. It also makes me want to dicect sounds more and just break down a lot of my favorite tunes to see what went into creating these hits. So far i am amazed at all that i’ve been able to learn in just two days in the studio and i cannot wait to learn more.  


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