Nick GarnseyNew York City Recording Connection

Third Session Posted on 2013-09-11 by Nick Garnsey

Off to a rough start with getting there late. I arrived around 5:40pm and stayed till about 9:15pm. I got there and met the drummer/producer of the band we were mixing for, as well as his manager and father. We had a bit of computer troubles but eventually got everything sorted out and running. We worked on the third track of the album, mostly on drum timings, volumes, an electronic type bridge, and edging out the vocals. Needless to say, I learned a lot just by actually watching Damien do everything and I was able to recognize some of the elements that I learned within the books from Recording Connection. Overall a fun, great learning experience that I can't wait for again.

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Nick Garnsey

Feeling determinedPosted by Nick Garnsey on 2014-01-23

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