Sometime in the next few months, i hope to put together an EP and release it to the public. I would like to call it "Teenage Nightmare" for a few reasons. Yes, it's kind of a play on words from last summers mega hit "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry but has nothing to do with that song at all. In fact, Katy Perry is not even considered an inspiration of mine. "Teenage Nightmare" is all about teenagers (ironic huh?). People say that your teenage years are the best time's of your life but for me they were my worst. For some reason many people believe that it's so easy being a teenager but honestly it's nothing special. When you talk to your parents about it, they brag about how crazy and great their teenage years were. For some reason i didn't experience these great times, instead i had to worry about my weight and my sexuality because i was tortured by my peers. I know i'm not the only one to experience these hard times. In fact it breaks my heart because i know some teenagers were pushed to their absolute limit resulting in them harming themselves because of struggles like mine. The truth behind a teenager is all about learning. As you grow you learn more and more about yourself. You also learn many life lessons. Even though many of these lessons are learned through being hurt, we still get great knowledge from them. Your teenager years are full of lies, tears, crazy hormones, peer pressure, teasing, low confidence, not fitting in, drama, stress, loneliness and the worst of all.. heartbreaks. These are all things we go through as being a teenager, does not sound to much like a "dream" does it? Don't get me wrong "Teenage Nightmare" will not be a dark depressing collection of songs instead it will be bright, up beat, and a very very inspiring collection. I want it to represent that life gets better. "Teenage Nightmare" talks about these lessons and the burns they gave us. It's for anyone who deals with these problems. The music represents the light at the end of the tunnel and that it gets better. Being a teenager is only one part of you life. Your teenager years may not be the best memories but take them for what they are. They are a lesson for you to learn even if they do burn. Just like a nightmare, you wake up and realize it was only a dream.
William Coors — New York City Recording Connection
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William Coors
Sometime in the next few months, i hope to put together an EP and release it to the public. I would like to call it "Teenage Nightmare" for a few reasons... Read More >>
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