Microphone placement….again! You really cant get enough of microphone placement. It really makes the biggest difference in sound. We went over the standard methods of micing a drumset. Usually it is a kick drum that is miked, along with the snare, the toms (which are coincident), and over head mics which are spaced apart. And when using panning on drum tracks. Maybe you can put the snare a little more to the left because that is where it is on the drumset. And with the over head mics, you can pan the right mic all the way to the right, and the over head left all the way to left. This will you give you a more natural sound. Also there are certain traps that Joey Heier went over, when recording vocals. For example, there is excessive dynamic range, sibilance, and an excessive bass boost due to proximity.
Brandon Zakrzewski — Philadelphia Recording Connection
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