Chris BullockPhiladelphia Recording Connection

Chapter 12 Posted on 2014-06-16 by Chris Bullock

I finally got to get my hands dirty with some mixing this chapter. Sure, it was only a rough mix but at least I'm finally getting to mix some music. This chapter wasn't to hard since I knew a good bit just from messing with Logic over the years. I have a good amount of questions for Joey this time around too, like about certain effects in ProTools and about grouping. I also want to ask him how I can go about making beats on ProTools. I use Maschine for my beats which is a completely different layout then ProTools. I've watched videos on making beats in ProTools and it looks rather complex. Maybe complex isn't the word, more like drawn out. See what the people on the videos were doing was importing their kicks and snares and what not for the kit, then having to space them out accordingly. With Maschine, you have groups, and each individual sound in that group is laid out in a "box" for lack of a better term. I just play the paterns I want on my maschine mikro then it appears in Maschine. Maybe I can link up my Maschine with ProTools? I'm sure there's a way. 

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Chris Bullock

Chapter 19Posted by Chris Bullock on 2014-08-05

The final chapter. I honestly can't believe I'm already at this part of the course. It seems like yesterday I was going through orientation and now I'm writing this blog post about the mastering lesson and preparing for the final... Read More >>