Eric MatsonPhiladelphia Recording Connection

Chapter 17 Blog Posted on 2016-01-27 by Eric Matson

Another great lesson with Joey. The weather interfered with our schedule, so we did two lessons(16, 17) in one session. We talked about the different modes(write, latch, touch, read, and off) and he showed me diferent examples so I understood them better. After that, we went on to talk about how pretty much anything, but not totally everything, could be automated if desired. He explained how it used to be done with lots of guys working as one, moving faders up and down at the right time and that if one person messed up, they would have to start over from the beginning. Now it's much easier being digital, and mistakes could easily just be deleted and redone. Joey also explained what drift was and gave me a quick example. Overall this was a great day with Joey. 

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Eric Matson

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Eric Matson

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