Eric Matson
So, I completely forgot about blogging after this last lesson. It was great, and very informative. We sat down and went over the chapter quiz question by question until I understood everything... Read More >>
Eric Matson.
I have little, to no experience. The only experience I have is recording vocals through Garageband. Didn't play around with them after or anything like that. Purely and simply recorded the vocals with a crappy $75 dollar microphone. I always wanted to pursue recording/engineering/producing, just was dealing with major depression, and didn't have the right direction. During my time dealing with depression, I fell in love with music, saved my life and has since become a huge part of me. I've developed such a respect and admiration for all types of music, that I can picture nothing better than to have a career around the music industry.
I finally decided i was done wasting my life away and began searching for audio programs. Didn't get very far before I realized 4 year programs were rediculously expensive and became discourage that maybe this wasn't going to happen. I then stumbled across the Recording Connection and knew it was the perfect match. I've made every step since to enroll and start my journey towards a job I'll love. Like i said before, i don't have much experience, but im devoted and ready to put forward %200 into this.
After completing the program, my main goal would eventually be to own a studio and be able to help aspiring artists like I am myself. I just want to work in a studio, or just somewhere when I'm making a diference with sound and music.
Eric Matson
So, I completely forgot about blogging after this last lesson. It was great, and very informative. We sat down and went over the chapter quiz question by question until I understood everything... Read More >>
Eric Matson
This was another good lesson with Uncle Joey. Honestly, I feel like this chapter should have been a lot earlier in the curriculum, but nonetheless, there was some great information which will be very helpful when creating a home set-up... Read More >>