Lesson #15
Lesson 15 is in the can. It was all about being prepared for shooting. It discussed how to communicated with the departments, how to line a shooting script, and tear-book and as an assignment I had to make my own tear-book. It was basically scrapbooking to me. Which honestly, has never really been my thing. But it was basically me looking through images on google of wardrobe I saw the characters wearing in my head, and props they would use, what scenes or sets would look like. For me, It turns out that as a director I am much more more concerned about what the set or location looks like and am more contend with letting the prop and wardrobe departments let their creative juices flow. It turned out to be a fun assignment, if not time consuming.
As for Angelo and me, we finish those 8mm and super 8 film transfers. Having done most of the transfers myself and laid down the audio using an older version of Adobe Premiere, I sat down with the client and discussed some of the over and underexposures, determined what he wanted to keep and also how he wanted the titles set up for his DVD. I spent about an hour with the client and he seemed very pleased by what he saw. It made me very happy to have someone appreciate my work. Reminded me why I wanted to pursue this career in the first place. Last week Angelo and I set up on the chapter titles and burned the DVDs. It was roughly about 2 1/2 hours of footage spanning near 20 years; the 60s and 70s. It was a very good learn experience. There isn't much call for that kind of work these days, or so Angelo says, so it was good chance to experience it before there is no work left at all.
Still waiting to hear from Alain about my screenplay rewrite. I e-mailed him again today.
I finished the quiz for lesson 16 and am going to be holding auditions for actors to shoot my scene I believe on the 11th of Dec and will hopefully, if all goes according to plan, shoot the scene the following week. I still need to get ahold of a landlord who has a vacate trailer he will allow me to utilize to shoot the seen in. I also need to find a appropriate place to hold the auditions. All of that I will be doing this week.