Lesson #18
So I'm a little behind on these blogs so I'm gonna have to step it up. Angelo wrapped up the editing for the scene we shot. Truth be told I'm not all that happy with. Granted, we did what we good with what we had, but it still really came out looking very amature. Its done, so that was one last thing to worry about. Angelo gave me a rough cut, which wasn't bad. The only issue I had with it was that it just seemed to move too slow. So I suggest making so quicker transitions between cuts to try to create a sense of urgency in the scene. That did help some, but still a little dry. The good thing was that Angelo was able to get one of his musican buddies to lay down a score for it, which turned out pretty good. So I was happy about that. The producer I pitched today, Evan Astrowsky, didn't seem all that impressed with it. He recommended that I never show in to anyone in the industry. A little bit of a blow to my pride, but he was definitely right. Next blog I'll talk about the reel.