Taylor ReesePhiladelphia Recording Connection

Beginning of Masters Program Posted on 2013-07-13 by Taylor Reese

I started the Masters Program with my mentor Joey three weeks ago. It is alot like the Bachelors program that I did with him two years ago. They are a like in the way that it is taught. I have my Masters Program lesson book from the Recording Connection. And every day or week we go over a lesson, and I have to read the lesson for homework, and then we go over it together. So far we have completed lessons one and two. Lesson one was just a recap and review of the basics of recording. It was a nice refresher, and Joey showed me his microphones and we went over the difference between the ribbon, moving coil, and condensor microphones, and what they are best and commonly used to record. We also went over signal flow and the four different types of wiring within the patch bays that is used to get signals to flow. We talked about what reverb is, and that reverb time is the time it takes for the reverb to decay, and also pre-delay which determines the length of time it takes for the delay to come in to turn the sound into reverb. We talked about equalizers and the five common types such as parametric, graphic, shelving, notch, and pass band. Joey also touched base on delays, phasing, flanging, and chorusing. We talked about compressors, and that they have the capability that when a signal is over a specific threshold, the output is reduced to a certain ratio that I would set. Then we went over the different plug-ins for compressors like threshold, which is the level that the compressor starts to compress. The ratio, which determines the amount of leveling that is applied to the input signal. Attack, is the speed where the compressor starts to process the input signal, and then the release. The release is the speed that the compressor stops the processing of the input signal. We went over knee, limiters, expanders, and gates. So, lesson one was a good review, and brought me back into what it is that I am learning and the simple things. Lesson two was all about compressors, and I liked learning about that because I got clear around certain things, like what compressors do, and how to use them. Then Joey let me mix two songs that he had already recorded, and that was fun! It was nice to be hands on, already, and starting what it is that I am there to do and learn. Joeys a good dude, and I appreciate him alot, and the time that he takes to make sure that I am understanding what he is teaching. Next week Joey is bringing in a drummer for me to record, and I will be learning about using the software Drumagog, which I have never even heard of before. So, until next time... :)


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Taylor Reese

Session #1 MattPosted by Taylor Reese on 2013-10-20

Yesterday at the studio was so awesome! I brought my friend Matt in, and we recorded guitar and vocals. My mentor Joey was in the control room helping me with the process and using the mixer for the first thirty minutes of the session, and then the next hour and a half, I did everything myself, and worked with Matt, while Joey was out in another room doing other things... Read More >>