Zack ZapfPittsburgh Recording Connection

Straight From The Attic (SFTA) Hip Hop Artist's & Musicians Posted on 2012-01-25 by Zack Zapf

This blog will display the hip hop artists/musicians I will be working with under my label, SFTA Recordings.  A brief description: I have been recording music since 2006, and out of the names below, there are a few I have been working with and developed for the last 5 years. Most of the artists were part of my group mixtape and or featured on my solo mixtape. 

SFTA Hip Hop Artist's:                                                  SFTA Musicians: 

1. Jake Pokorny (Finest)                                              1. Dallas Bouvy (Acoustic/Electric Guitar/Keys/Vocals)

2. Bobby Anderson (B-Skeet)                                      2. Ben Peters (Acoustic/Electric Guitar) + Individual Band  

3. Bryan Laughner (Loco)                                            3. Keith Coleman (Various Instruments/Beatmaker) + Individual Band  

4. Jamie O'Conner (PoeticWays)                                4. Jimmy Thortan (Bass)

5. Jordan Macey (Shogun)                                           5. Justin Furman (Drums)  

6. Jeff Bouvy (Red Baron) 

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