Online session with a student advisor, We discussed the inner workings of the ear and how sound is perceived, the different frequencies of the average listener which is 20Hz to 20,000 Hz . Went over the many terms needed to comprehend waveforms and how they are created then manipulated. Going over decibels and its origin he stated there are sounds of dangerous amplitude within frequencies as well as soothing ones. Its a terrifying thought that all those little hair follicles sooner or later die. :( Had to pause the session for a minute and think of how sad that is for me...being as i am already certified half deaf with only 15 percent hearing in the right ear while the left has 100% but like everything in life. Adaptation.
With that being sayed i look forward to my next session...and eagerly cannot wait to get back into the studio to learn the never ending quest for those who take advantage or those who know it as pychoacoustics, hoping one day to be as successful as Veteran Audio Engineers. Keep Moving Forward, Fellow Audio manipulators and Evovle.