Chaz FeitelPortland Recording Connection

Second Session @ House Studio D.C. Posted on 2013-09-18 by Chaz Feitel

Friday, September 13th, 2013

Time In: 8:30 AM

Time Out: 12:00 PM

Lesson #2: Basic Electronics


It was my first time back at the studio since Monday and Lockekaushal was on the last day of recording for his new album as a result of being one of the House Studio's 2013 Artist Grant winners.  The Studio has a program dedicated to helping up and coming artists record, produce, and market their material for free.  Obviously, this contest was very competitive.  Listening to and watching Locke work in the studio proved to be a good example of the quality of talent they had brought in this year.


On Monday we had done some minor production and vocal recordings on top of the tracks that Miles had created for Lockekaushal to use.  Today, I had noticed lyric changes in some of his music during playbacks of his tracks.  Jake was concerned about the punching of vocals during this track because it had been done several times.  The voice is an instrument, and when you play it on a different day when the air might be a little warmer in the studio, or the mic might be adjusted slightly higher, or the artist himself is feeling a different emotion at the time, it's going to sound different.  This was obvious when I sat in the studio listening to vocal punch after vocal punch.  No matter how close Jake was able to get the volume to match the rest of the verse or push the vocals back to flow better with the previous lyrics, it still sounded off because the current had been affected by something.  I could relate to this as my band throughout college had similar problems recording overdubs on our 12-track album.  To this day I still hear exactly where the engineer punched in a guitar line, snare hit, or bass note.


The last thing we did was record a live drummer over one of the digital tracks already produced by Miles.  It was the perfect mix of analog and digital precussion, which I seem to hear a lot of in hip/hop and rap songs in modern music.  The audible difference between the two is pretty clear when you listen to them separately, but played together they almost intertwine.      


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