William AwtryPortland Recording Connection

Chapter 5 Posted on 2015-09-17 by William Awtry

It's been a few days since my last blog entry, life gets hectic! I've been practicing my piano, I'm not sure I mentioned but I got a Privia PX-100 and have began studying music theory and learning Piano. I'm now reading chapter 5 and 6 and things are now getting interteresting talking about Microphones and Mic Placement. I wish I had enough money to invest in more Mics. Rory has shown me a few of the mics he uses and already taked to me about a few of the different placement methods he uses!! I'm excited to record something this next week!! Maybe tomorrow and get some experience with placement under Rory's supervision then I will be purchasing my audient and mic combo package to practice at home. I was able to go to a show this last week. The Funk Volume/ Hopsin show at the Midtown Ballroom here in Bend it was a fantastic show!! Here is a link to a video my wife took while Hopsin was playing https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=887598151333719 it's deffinitly given me a new found appreciation for modern rap

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