Microphone placement!!. I've learned a lot in this chapter!! Tomorrow Rory and I will mic an acustic guitar the "wrong way" to see the difference when we mic it the right way. This will help me to train my ear and hear the difference. The journey begins!! as I continue studying music and recording I am beginning to realize the effect that music really has on me! I find myself watching classical orchestras or solo pianist playing impossibly complex pieces and the shear power of the pieces touch you in a way that nothing else can describe! The more I explore and learn the more I want to capture that feeling to share with the world. If you can portray the emotion in a song through the recording, then in my opinion you have succeeded in your purpose as an engineer I'm excited to finally be getting into this journey!! I'm going to continue training my ear and playing piano attempting to sing and begin studying for protools which is in the mail!! Well until next time
William Awtry — Portland Recording Connection
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