It has been some time since I last updated by blog. Much has happend. It took me about a month to get Protools from RRFC some issue with USPS or something but i have it working now on my Imac. I also have purchased the Audient ID14 and have picked up my SM57 mic and an Alesis Vortex from my friend who was holding them in California. The home studio is coming along niecly however Money is always the limiter. I have decided to use a three monitor display set up and will start adding to my desk tomorrow. I will run two until I can afford or find another screen. I will add pictures soon. I also picked up my peavy 5150 and crate cab that i had at my buddies house as well. As for Rory we have been going through settings and several features on protools. I have been picking his brain with small things that come along in my studies. Also we have been a part of the Make A Band event here in Bend. where we chose 6 musicians to make a band. We will compete on Nov 21st for a prize pot worth 56k!! it would be amazing to help be a part of something that could win such a sought after prize! also we have been recording The Rum & The Sea. it has been very interesting to see where Rory places the mics, and how he interacts with the band. The members of the band were drinking quite heavily and having a good time while waiting on one of the members who was running late. Though everyone remained professional with the introduction of alchohol there was some issues that Rory handeld very expertly and made sure there was no drama or ebb in the flow of creativity in the room. I was impressed and continue to be excited about being able to contribute to building a larger market for Rory's studio as the Bend area grows. We are hoping that we can make something special. Rory has some great ideas and I will continue to update you as things develop. As for my familiarity with Protools things are slowly coming together im takeing alot of time on chapter 9 reading and rereading as the setup is very different from DAWs ive used in the past. however I am starting to see things come together and make since as I learn the shortcuts Protools has built in such as the smart tool for the edit keys, what an amazingly creative way to make things flow more naturally and elimnate a step im getting excited to create some of the music floating in my brain!!
William Awtry — Portland Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from William Awtry
My blog entries have been very sporadic for that I appologize, Its hard to find time in our ever faster moving world to sit down and write or even to just sit down and reflect... Read More >>
I have been incredibly bad at staying on top of these blog posts. Life just seems to suck up all my time. But I am trudging along... Read More >>