Well again I havnt been keeping up with my blog. I have been sock for the past month since the holidays and Getting over that has put a huge damper on my progress. Ive been able to get to work still, barely but have not been able to meet with Rory as Ive been that sick! And dont want to spread it around. Its been bad enough to make me bed ridden at times but today the nausae and headaches are gone Im still congested and swollen lymphs but for the most part able to breathe and function. I will most deffinitly meet Rory today! Ive got some questions on EQ for voclas refering the chart I was able to cut off unwanted frequencies but there must be a better way perhaps a smart EQ that can detect the amplitude of different frequencies within a wave and allow you to see them in real time on a graph of X axis being frequency and Y being amplitude/volume that way you could see if there was a hiss on the high end using the sweep method you could cut out the proper frequency and visually see it represented on the XY graph. Also you could see what exact frequencies the clip you are working with rather than refer to a general chart. I am in desperate need of a pair of monitors and im hoping I can save up soon its been financially difficult getting through the holidays. However, my wife and I are buckeling down on finances and trying to build ourselves up to a point where we can begin to make some investments. In the meantime ive been able to get through three chapters. Ive learned alot since the midterm these last three chapters have been heavy chapters and very interesting and helped me create a step by step process for approaching mixing thus far! I feel like things are finally falling into place now I just beed time to practice
William Awtry — Portland Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from William Awtry
My blog entries have been very sporadic for that I appologize, Its hard to find time in our ever faster moving world to sit down and write or even to just sit down and reflect... Read More >>
I have been incredibly bad at staying on top of these blog posts. Life just seems to suck up all my time. But I am trudging along... Read More >>