The past couple days ive been exparamenting with my new full ableton program and reading the first couple chapters in my Ebook. Im exited to get in the studio with my mentor and talk about more logistics with my production style. I am noticing the first couple chapters in the Ebook is alot of stuff i already know. But i think learning about what all the functions of everything in ableton is going to help me immensly with my production beacuse it will give me a more straight forward aprroach to idead im trying to lay down.
Maxwell Headley — Portland Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Maxwell Headley
Finally able to do some more work again. Unfortunately the RRFC has lost my profile?! It is back now and im ready to tackle more work... Read More >>
New song out called breaktime! if your reading this go to my audio page and check out the track! i have a new session with prince tomorrow and im excited to show him more of my work and get his 2 cencts on my goals and idead for the next few weeks Read More >>