Well I went through my first lesson with Andy Pow my mentor. It was Friday, July the 12th at digital Wave Recording Studio. I was so excited to go over my first lesson and I'm so glad to be in that place because its my first step into my future. My mentor was so informational and he makes it easy for me to understand what's taking place.
My first lesson was about Sound and Hearing. Andy taught me that before I start working on the mixing board then I need to know what's taking place. The number one key that's Important is your hearing. He has shown me the waveform on the computer. Then he showed me the sine wave which is periodic. Sine waves also flows from the first wave to the next wave which changes speeds. I also went over triangle, square, and sawtooth wave. My mentor went over Frequency which is the number of complete periods a sound wave can multiply in a certain of time. It's measured in Hertz which are cycles-per-second. I learned that High frequency sound vibrates multiple times per second, but Low frequency sounds vibrates once a second or longer than a second. We went over phase which tells how far along its cycle a given waveform is. If two waves are exactly the same is called in-phase.
But all of that is just little of what I learned Friday. He also gave me a tour of the studio and told me what I should do when I come back to the studio. I also had my first test so I'm happy. I'm looking forward to learn some more on my next lesson.