The 2nd lession was actually pretty dope. It wasnt anything new it was just differant things that i kinda knew about. Such as, Voltage,Whats, current, ohmz, how to mesure, convert and confuct the electowaves. it brang me back to one of my classes in high school, Physics with mr. Friedman. That was probaly one of my favoraite, for acouple reasons, One being he treated all of us like adults and taught me how to adress someone propularly, called everyone "mr." or "mrs.". his steez was that, we have a choice to do what we want but we can never break the laws of physics, so use them to your advanges, learn what you can and use it for your benefit. So coming in i a had an idea of what to expect but it was nice and refeshing to know get reassured that maybe school did help me out. maybe the bullshit i had to put up with was not in vien. haha None the less, im just glad to not only learn what i am doing but how it works and how i can better control it and do with it what i will, to make what i want to make. I am excited to see what the future has in store. it should be good year. Its is after all The Year Of The Bandana.