Got a crash course on some basic Pro Tools tips along with going over some basic concepts and getting a studio tour. It's amazing, 1 week and I've already learned so much... Read More >>
Nate Mayer — San Diego Recording Connection
I grew up with music. Having started playing pots and pans at the age of 4 and working my way up tomplaying real drums when I was 9 and got my first electronic drum set. In middle school a professional drummer from the LA area moved to the area I was living. I began taking private one-on-one drum lessons with him and did so for 15 years. During that period of time I really honed my craft and became a professional level drummer. Ideveloped proper technique, learned how to read and notate music. I learned music theory also. After graduating high school I got a scholorahsip to go to college. The college I went to recently got rid of their music majaor so I eneded up doing computer science with a minor in music. During college I played and broadened my musical boudaries and learned more in depth music theory along with learning new instruments including guitar, piano and voice. On my own I taught myself how to play the bass. During this time period I also began to really get into the quality of music and began my development as an audiophile. After college I tried to make some things happen music wise without success in the Bay Area. Having lost motivation to continue on my musical journey I went full fledge into IT. Now after achieving my goal of perfect musical playback and having the IT field hit a wall I reconsidered what I really want to do with the rest of my life and decided I wanted to make music my career. I\'ve always been fascinated with the creation of music not just from playing and performing but from the technical side too. I\'ve always wanted to be an audio engineer and decided the time was right to go for my life goal!
Latest Blog Entries from Nate Mayer
Tomorrow is my first at Track Star Studios sitting in on a live session with my mentor Josquin des Pres. Super excited! The anticipation of starting something completely new and jumping out and doing something I have always wanted to do is a fantastic feeling... Read More >>