My mentor taught me that midi is a type of signal that replicates the notes on an instrument and sends the data to the computer and back out if chosen to. This data alone has no signal or sound of any tupe. When combined with a plugin however, it tells the plugin what ntoes to play for how long and when. Midi can also be used in the form of light shows, and triggering certain events, samples, or automations to occur within Pro Tools if you manually set up the functions on your midi controller or track to do so.
Hunter Rick — San Francisco Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Hunter Rick
In this chapter we went over what mastering is and how to prepare your mix for it. Mastering is the final touches on a track or tracks if it isn't a standalone track... Read More >>
Within the realm of live recording, the acoustics of a room hold great importance. There are several complications to be found when trying to record in an untreated room... Read More >>