I though it was really interesting to learn about all of the different types of microphones out there. They play such a fundamental role in finding the right sound, and there is just so much to learn about all of them. I had a really good lesson with Phil today and we discussed which mic's are commonly used in the industry today, and which ones have mostly become obsolete. He showed me his mic collection which was really cool to see, which mics he has been using in order to get the sounds he prefers. We discussed high end mic's, and low end mic's, and even some mic's I hadn't heard of before, that werent in the module, such as Pressure Zone Mic's, which is essentially just a mic you set on the floor and it picks up all of the ambient sounds around it. We talked about all the benefits of having a Pre-amp and the possible downfalls of having too much unnecessary equipment and adjustments to make when trying to find the right sound. We concluded the lesson talking about different interfaces and I am looking forward to fooling around with Reason as soon as i get it installed.
Jayden Doan — Saskatchewan Recording Connection
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