Lavon Cox
Log Cabin Studios
Time in- 7:30 pm
Time out- 12:30 pm
Today was my first time at the studio as a student/apprentice; Kris had a session with a guy named Kevin who plays some amazing guitar with a Bluegrass band. We were working on Guitar Overdubs. Overdubbing being the process of rerecording tracks over the original. To prepare for the session Kris positioned two different mics one on top of the other. He then put the bottom mic in Omni mode and the top mic in “Stereo” mode as I call it (it only picks up sound from the left and right side or front and back). He then positioned it in front of the chair Kevin would be sitting in. We took 7 takes of guitar and ended up piecing together about 4 I think. Kris put all the different pieces together like a true pro, I couldn’t even tell it had been pieced together after he was done with it. So we learned about mic positioning and technique. It was truly an exciting night.