Max Casco — Toronto Recording Connection
Journal Entry #1
Max Casco, Recording Connection
Lesson 1
Thursday, December 6, 2012
On Thursday, December 6th, I went to Studio A Recording and Production for my first session on lesson 1. I arrived at around 9:45 am as the session was scheduled for 10.00 am. When I arrived, they were doing a lot of renovations because there’s another company called Brickston Music that will be working with Studio A. Chris, my mentor, gave me a tour of what the future studio will look like. They plan on having a separate studio on the second floor and will be sharing both studios once the project is complete. I really like the fact that they’re doing this because it’s going to give me a firsthand glance on how to build and set up a proper recording studio. Chris also introduced me to Michael, the partner whom he’s going to be working with. After the tour, Chris and I went over the lesson and a few of the terms that I didn’t understand. We first began talking about my goals and where I see myself in the future in this industry. He gave me a few good ideas on how I could branch out some ideas and where to focus my goals.
I asked him a specific question in terms of decibels and what it meant for recording at a standard of 85dB. He helped demonstrate this on his console which is a TAS CAM M-3700. We also talked about opportunities that are available in my area and how competition levels are at. Overall, for my first official day in the studio, I learned a lot and I was able to understand things better once I was in than when I was just reading the material. I’m also anxious to see the process in the building of their second studio.
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