Max CascoToronto Recording Connection

Journal Entry #2 Posted on 2012-12-13 by Max Casco

Journal Entry #2
Max Casco, Recording Connection
Lesson 2
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
On Wednesday, December 12, I went in for my second studio session on lesson 2.  We had originally scheduled it for 10:00 am but Chris had to do a few things at around that time so we rescheduled for 10:30 am.  I arrived around 10 minutes before our session and Chris was already in the studio.  We sat down and started going over the quiz and any questions that I may have had. I asked him about a spectral analyzer and what its purpose was. He was able to explain this to me on his spectral analyzer which was a Sound Shaper SA-1. He demonstrated this using both white and pink noise. He also helped me understand the differences between the two. He also explained in more detail what a ‘floating floor’ meant as I was unsure of the term.
We also went into the room that is used for recording live instruments and explained how the room was set up acoustically speaking. He has two large bass traps in two corners and panels hanging from the ceiling. The floor had a second layer of carpeting for the drums as well. The window is also tilted downwards so in correspondence to my lesson, he recapped as to why this is done in most studios in order to help control the sound waves.  Another question that I asked was about speaker placement and what it meant when speakers were in- and out-of-phase. He helped demonstrate this using his two Tannoy NFM-8 monitors. All in all I think today was another great session and I was able to understand many new terms that I had read in the Modern Recording Techniques textbook.

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