Chapter 5 was all about microphones. Chapter 5 describes in exquisite detail, how the 5 most common microphones work, and how using them right can suit anyone's recording needs. Chapter 5 is long, but necessary to get across all the important information. For me, remembering all the specific dates and names was a challenge in and of its self, but knowing how all of things work and co-operate with each other is a necessity to any and all music producer types. I look forward to learning where to place them.
Oliver Furnival — Toronto Recording Connection
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Oliver Furnival
Chapter 18 was a very informative chapter. I learned many important things about the acoustic characteristics of certain shaped rooms... Read More >>
Oliver Furnival
This chapter was all about dynamics; what compressors / limiters, expanders, and gates do. I learned quite a bit about what things I can do with gates, and different kinds of compression to fix a lot of problems that I frequently have with making my own music... Read More >>