My second session at Trench Recordings in Toronto, Ontario went very similar to the first. We started off by going through my weeks quiz in a little more depth. In which Lionel Pedro (the owner/operator/engineer) gave me examples of where and when having and understanding of electicity and current flow is essential to mixing and in building a recording studio. He gave an example of when they were building the studio they had a constant issue with a humming noise. After trying multiple and expensive ways to fix the issue he and his brother came across a random article, while browsing the web. They turned off the main power and checked their ground feed which showed them that even with the power off there was still current exiting through the ground wire. Part of the article decribed water lines being electically charged from other sources. A rubber decoupling (a rather inexpensive part) was the solution.
After lunch, the guitarist from One Legged Stepchild joined us and we went back to the studio. There was not much to be recorded except an overlaying guitar solo. After that there was a lot to tidy up with levels and fade in/ outs. In the end there was a big sigh of relief knowing that one more track is ready for mastering. It was a shorter day than last weeks clocking in at 10 hrs but none the less learned a lot and excited to go back next week.