This week was fairly crazy with all the weather issues. Luckily we were able to get through the quiz quickly on Monday, and I began to mix my first track... in fact, it's almost done! I felt a little behind-the-curve, since I'm still learning much of the lingo as I go, but by the end of our session, I feel as though I made progress. I even made a mistake in choosing the wrong format for reverb and froze the session... I felt terrible! Mark was incredibly patient with me, though, and it turned out to be an easy fix. Friday's session was all didactic, as the rain tore up Mark's house and he had to shut down his equipment for safety, so we reviewed the chapter 2 quiz again. I needed it, because it never hurts to reinforce information... I found I'd forgotten a couple of things in just a few short days! Ugh. (Baby steps, right?)
This upcoming week will be our last session for about 3 weeks, since Mark will be out of town. Good thing, though... the next chapter is digital audio, and it looks pretty intense!
Natassia Marchbank — Vonormy Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Natassia Marchbank
Natassia Marchbank
This week was amazing. Mark Sinko had a client who laid down tracks and he was beginning on mixing and editing. On Monday we listened to a number of the tracks as they were laid down, and he showed me how he would begin working on the vocals through Melodyne... Read More >>
Natassia Marchbank
Last week my mentor and I were only able to meet on Monday, as he had a business trip to attend to. We went over digital audio fairly quickly, and then we moved right into the studio to work on the track I've begun editing... Read More >>