Jermaine GibbsYorktown Heights Recording Connection

In The Studio P.T. 17!! Posted on 2017-01-28 by Jermaine Gibbs

        In The Studio P.T.17!! I was once again in the studio with my mentor, to covered chapter 17 from the course curriculum. So, our main focus was Automation. Automation in Pro Tools is the ability to control a specific parameter automatically by telling Pro Tools what to do, and when to do it in real-time. The main objectives were, The History of Automation, Automation Inside Pro Tools, Automation of Plugins Inside Pro Tools, Chapter Quiz, Blog Entry, Additional Assignments. We spoke about Automation in the pasts. To make real -time changes to a mix while bouncing to a 2-track stereo tape machine, changes that had to be made, any faders that had to be adjusted, any send levels that had to be altered, had to be done on the fly while bouncing to tape when it was supposed to happen in the mix. If you only had a couple things to adjust you could work by yourself, but trying to do multiple adjustments to the mix in real-time often took the entire staff in a recording studio. In the early days of recording every faders move, every send position, and every setting on every piece of outboard gear had to be logged and written down if it was to be recreated. Hours were spent closing down and setting up sessions. Automation is the definition given to the analog solution for this problem. We talked about moving faders and flying faders, along with Digital Audio Workstation Automation. Pro Tools Automation, there are several controls (or parameters) that can be assigned to be automated inside of Pro Tools. The parameters that can be automated depend on what type of track you are working with, i.e.. an Audio Track or a Master Fader, a Send, or a Midi Track. The parameters that can be automated for real-time playback in a session are: Volume, Pan, and Mute on Audio, Midi, and Instrument Tracks, also Volume on Master Fader and All Plug In Controls. Creating Automation in Pro Tools is possible in two ways: in real-time or by drawing automation in with your edit tools. Pro Tools Automation Modes, there are five different types of Automation, with other systems have a TH Mode called Trim that works in combination with the other modes. These are are remaining Mode, Off, Read, Touch, latch, and Write. Automation of Plugins Inside Pro Tools. In Pro Tools, most of the parameters are available to be automated. Which gives us a huge opportunity to wrap and change our sound. Finally, we were required to take a chapter quiz and write a blog entry at the end of the chapter. included additional assignment to work on, to build your catalogue.

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