Lee Mosley
Lee Mosley — Birmingham Recording Connection
Lee Mosley
Wow! Patch bays are pretty cool. They make things a lot easier in the studio. Signal Flow is pretty simple, but can get confusing when going into deeper subjects... Read More >>
Lee Mosley
Today I got to learn the difference between several different types of microphones. They called it basic, but there is nothing basic about it haha... Read More >>
Lee Mosley
For the digital audio basics class, Allen and I talked a lot about sample rate which is pretty cool... Read More >>
Lee Mosley
There have been several times I have tried to sit down and teach myself the right way to roll up a cord, but the other day my mentor sat down and explained it and it was like a revelation to me... Read More >>
Lee Mosley
The other day I got to go out in the feild with my mentor. We spent some time at one of the local churches doing the measurements for some accoustic pannels we will hang at a later date... Read More >>