Steven Kirk
Once the midterm came it all the good stuff started!!! Read More >>
Steven Kirk
Once the midterm came it all the good stuff started!!! Read More >>
Steven Kirk
Regardless on how good of an engineer is if the recording is trash your screwed... Thus mic choice and placement are VERY important! Make a binder for mics and placements!!! Read More >>
Steven Kirk
A ton of info in this chapter! Takes home: sample rate has to be at least twice frequency, theres many different ways to record, store and play digital and analog signals, why the files on my computer take up so much space and finally understand music file types! Very dense would be wise to revisit this! Read More >>
Steven Kirk
Finally understand the simple ins and outs of electricity and the specifics that determine how much electricity can be utilized once things like resistance, and current have been taken into account... Read More >>
Steven Kirk
Very basic overview of studio edicate and general outline of whats expected and not expected. Note to self: you are a student and its not your job to assist artist unless it'c cool with Joe... Read More >>
Steven Kirk
Loved the detail in explaining sound perception and some of the science behind it! Also super dope part about phasing you could make some pretty cool stuff using that the write way! Btw thanks to all who left notes! At times where I wasnt sure there was always a note explaining things in depth and lamens terms... Read More >>