Kyle Simmons
Chapter 3 was about digital audio, but what stood out ot me the most in this lesson was the nyquist theorem. The nyquist theorem says that your highest frequency can only be half of your sample rate... Read More >>
I have a similar story to many others on here; I started out as an english major in college, but about halfway through my third semester I realized something had to change. Sure, I was doing well in the classes, but I realized that I was just regurgitating the information the instructors were giving me. I couldn\'t tell you why this rule applied to this certain passage but not the other, but I did know that something had to change, and that I needed to do something that I would enjoy, for the forseeable future, at the very least.
I have been a musician, again, like many others, for about 8-9 years, starting out on the violin. Once I got into high school, my tastes started changing, but I stuck with the violin, hoping for a scholarship or that it would help me get into a respectable university. Well, halfway through my Junior year I picked up the guitar, and never looked back, save for flip flopping between that and the bass every 6 months or so. Playing the guitar soon led up to interest in the production side of music, and before I knew it I was behind the desk, doing simple recordings on an extremely old version of Reason we installed on a school computer, and I was bitten by the bug. Sure, I wasn\'t doing anything more than just hitting record, stop, and doing some simple mixing, but it led me to where I am now, and I hope it takes me much farther.
Kyle Simmons
Chapter 3 was about digital audio, but what stood out ot me the most in this lesson was the nyquist theorem. The nyquist theorem says that your highest frequency can only be half of your sample rate... Read More >>
Kyle Simmons
Lesson 2 was about basic electronics. The thing that stood out to me immediately, was all of the basic explanations for things... Read More >>