Thaer Irvin
MIDI can be very useful. Not only is it for instruments, but also for anything that can be controlled, like lights or sequencers... Read More >>
Major: Basic Audio Engineering - Post Production Focus
I have done music performance since I was a child learning piano. I have been composing music in different formats since high school, and some of those are on my SoundCloud. I even attended university for Music Theory and Composition. I have done recording as a hobby, and also for work, live performance and also studio. Having worked with audio and music my whole life, post production seemed like the next logical step. I am fascinated with movies, TV and games. Getting to work on them for living sounds perfect. I also have spent the last few years working with and being an actor. I feel like I have an inside view to the minds of the artist, giving me a different way to connect with them.
Thaer Irvin
MIDI can be very useful. Not only is it for instruments, but also for anything that can be controlled, like lights or sequencers... Read More >>
Thaer Irvin
I enjoy what I do, and I must. I do it for fun and maybe one day, for a living. I truly feel like everything I am learning is important to my future... Read More >>