This chapter seems like almost trying to learn a new language. New terms, trying to figure out what fits where, what works and what doesn't... Read More >>
Born Deshawn Boone, B-Dolo has always had an interest in music, Hip Hop in particular at a very early age. He has always had a facination with sound. From creating his own home made mixtapes back in the mid 80s to early 90s as a child, recording music videos from Yo! MTV Raps, Rap City ect., writing rhymes to ultimately persuing a career in audio engineering. His objective is to become knowledgeable in all aspects audio engineering that would allow him to not only work on recording artists\' music, but also to be able to work on tv commercials, movie scores, and anything involving making sounds come to life.
This chapter seems like almost trying to learn a new language. New terms, trying to figure out what fits where, what works and what doesn't... Read More >>
This chapter brought back memories of elementary science class. I forgot a lot of this stuff until I refreshed my memory by reading this chapter... Read More >>