Travis EsperAkron Recording Connection

Lesson 2 Studio Design and Monitors 2/15 Posted on 2013-02-15 by Travis Esper

Today was a very informative day at Primetime Recording Studio. We discusses leason 2 Studio Design and Studio Monitors. In this lesson Tom brought out the blueprints to the layout of the studio. We Discussed the primary factors that govern the acoustics in the control room. These factors are Acoustic isolation, the Symetry in monitoring design, Frequency balance, Absorbtion, Reflection and reverberation. One piece of absorbtion that primetime has, that i thought was pretty cool, was the disfusion panal on the wall across from the nearfield monitors at the mixerboard workstation. Its made up of different size and angle cut wood the disperses and absorbs soundwaves. This is for sound quality and mixing purposes.  We discussed the air lock doors and the design of the rooms. The angles are at various degrees to absorb and trap the bass and treble sound waves. We talked about floating floors and the materials that make them up. These are professional grade designs and take alot of engineering to accomplish. After the overview of the layout and acoustic designas of the studio, we talked about the difference between two-way and activly powered monitors and the pros and cons of each. it was a very informational lesson

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Travis Esper

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