I foolishly forgot to mention in my last journal/blog that Mr. Orr and I took a hiatus as our scheduled meeting time was on labor day. We picked up right where we left two weeks earlier though but this time with Studio design. He told me a couple different stories, and one I found very intersting. To keep it short, while in Minnesota he was in a room that was so quiet he could hear his own blood flowing, and when they turned off the lights he didn't know which way was up or down. Crazy how much sound helps us understand depth and keeps our balance and such things. And I thought the ear was just for hearing things. Mr. Orr went over how the studio we work in was designed, and why there were all the weird panels and soft cloths hanging everywhere. Turns out every material in the room was put there on purpose to reflect or absorb sound. I almost view this lesson as an extension of our acounstics lessons because they are so nicely tied together. Our session lasted about three hours before a client of his came in and I was "kicked out." I saw this jokingly as I tend to hang around until the last second.
Nathan Bishop — Albuquerque Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Nathan Bishop
Nathan Bishop
This weeks lesson was quite intense, as we dwelved even deeper into studio design and how it was set up. However, a huge portion of the lesson was also spent on a question I had about ohms... Read More >>
Nathan Bishop
I foolishly forgot to mention in my last journal/blog that Mr. Orr and I took a hiatus as our scheduled meeting time was on labor day... Read More >>