Today at the studio I was given the opprotunity to record a song for Sing and Spell. Mark Radice, who at the age of 7 signed on with RCA records and also wrote many songs for the muppets and Sesame Street and done several collaborations with artists such as Aerosmith, John Lennon, and Kiss, was over the arrangements of the song alongside with my mentor Frank Shaedrick. Sing and Spell is a childrens program that Mark composed to teach children their vocabulary with fun songs.
Brachel Goodman — Caryville Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Brachel Goodman
This week we focused mainly on the different kinds microphones and what each individual microphone is used for. Every third Thursday the studio has a live streaming session with some of the local bands... Read More >>
Today at the studio I was given the opprotunity to record a song for Sing and Spell. Mark Radice, who at the age of 7 signed on with RCA records and also wrote many songs for the muppets and Sesame Street and done several collaborations with artists such as Aerosmith, John Lennon, and Kiss, was over the arrangements of the song alongside with my mentor Frank Shaedrick... Read More >>