Half way through already! I've learned a lot so far, but just the basics. I've been getting used to Pro Tools more and more though. It's actually making sense, phew. I am so excited to start learning Mix Theory. I've been seeing a lot of mixing in the studio lately with Joe. It's amazing how much I understand music after these 11 weeks. Just tonight, I met a new client and he kept asking my opinion on things and it really flattered me.... I love that my input matters. It's cool that I can contribute. I'm a little late on my sine wave assignment (sorry I'm the worst procrastinator) I also had a hard time getting my settings on Pro Tools right, but now that I've finally gotten the hang of it, I've gotten a pretty decent sounding beat going on. I'm gonna finish that up tonight. I'm also beginning my course on social networking. Trying to decide my brand name, kinda leaning towards a nickname of mine. So weird that I'm gonna be buying a domain and really getting my name out there, making a website, promoting promoting promoting! Probably time to start looking for a studio job pretty soon. I don't know if I've used the word "excited" enough.
Jessica Sherman — Chicago Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Jessica Sherman
Jessica Sherman
This past week I learned mostly about how a room should be set up to hear the best acoustics. It's important sound doesn't reflect anywhere so none of the walls are parallel, there are no 90 degree angles anywhere and there are diffusers and absorbers on the walls and ceilings... Read More >>
Jessica Sherman
Automation was cool to learn because I had been wondering about it before. Joe uses it when he's mixing for things like volume and delays and I didn't quite get what he was doing so it was nice to learn that and put it together... Read More >>