Automation was cool to learn because I had been wondering about it before. Joe uses it when he's mixing for things like volume and delays and I didn't quite get what he was doing so it was nice to learn that and put it together. It's pretty simple, there aren't a ton of things to learn with that and it's cool because it's all right there in the same little drop down. Joe showed me the way he does automation which is a little different from the way the school teaches it but I caught on to that quicker and it was easier. I love that I have the school to learn from and then my mentor so I see the technical way to do things and the easy way, it's really helpful for being able to do it all on my own. I can't believe I'm almost done with the program, this six months has flown by. I can't wait to have my own studio some day. I'm excited to get my name out there and start recording and mixing. My mom and I have been looking at little at home studio ideas and things online to get me started before I find a real job so I'll be getting a mic and speakers and an interface and things like that to be able to mess around and practice with Pro Tools to get better at all that before the real deal so that might be a little messy but it'll definitely be helpful!
Jessica Sherman — Chicago Recording Connection
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Jessica Sherman
Automation was cool to learn because I had been wondering about it before. Joe uses it when he's mixing for things like volume and delays and I didn't quite get what he was doing so it was nice to learn that and put it together... Read More >>