I just finished my lesson on compression this week and it took a little effort to comprehend this one. Joe gave me a good understanding though. I was also accidentally using Audiosuite on everything instead of inserts so I went back and started over. So now I have my EQing all done (again) and I've started compressing. It's not so hard, it's really not supposed to change the music sonically or anything so it's a very subtle difference but there are definitely some things I need to compress in my mix. The only difference is that there aren't really any guidelines on how to compress things so I'm doing a lot of practice just listening to things. I saw Saint in the studio this week, he had a pretty long session going back to some songs Joe recorded a couple months ago. He said he wants Joe to do this whole project with him so it should turn out really well. I've decided on my brand name "J-daze" so I think I'll have it as jdazestudios when I buy the domain. I really need to get further with my social media course, I've been slacking. So I'm gonna work on that a lot this week. I'm not stressing it too hard cuz I'm not fully ready to find a job since I'm not really good at everything yet but I'm learning a lot, it's awesome. I'll be ready soon.
Jessica Sherman — Chicago Recording Connection
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Jessica Sherman
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Jessica Sherman
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