I have gotten a little behind on my blog entries! I'm bad at keeping up with this but I'm catching it all up now. So time based effects- they're really fun and it's cool because you don't have to add them, they're just something you can play around with and put in to change up the mix so it's interesting all the different things you can do with that. I didn't mess with it much for my mix assignment but I've been playing with them a lot more recently. I'm not super proud of my mix assignment, I definitely could have done better but practice makes perfect. And how well you do with something like audio engineering is all about how much time you put into learning and perfecting the skill. I've seen a lot of mixing in the studio lately so it's helpful to see all the different things Joe does because it's not the same every time and it helps to see a little bit of everything and while I learn the textbook information, I understand what he's doing a lot better so they go hand and hand. I still have so much to learn but it's going really well and even after the program I'll be learning more and more with just practice and playing around with everything on Pro Tools.
Jessica Sherman — Chicago Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Jessica Sherman
Jessica Sherman
This past week I learned mostly about how a room should be set up to hear the best acoustics. It's important sound doesn't reflect anywhere so none of the walls are parallel, there are no 90 degree angles anywhere and there are diffusers and absorbers on the walls and ceilings... Read More >>
Jessica Sherman
Automation was cool to learn because I had been wondering about it before. Joe uses it when he's mixing for things like volume and delays and I didn't quite get what he was doing so it was nice to learn that and put it together... Read More >>