I downloaded the Chirp MIDI controller for this next assignment and it is so cool. I thought at first it would be impossible for me since I don't really play any instruments anymore so I'm not really good at making music but with the MIDI you can put all the notes on beat and adjust the length of the notes and a bunch of different things to edit it which is cool and necessary for someone like me who isn't much of a piano player. And it's cool how it's on the keys on the keyboard so it's not difficult to get the right notes in. So that'll be fun to mess with more. I've also been talking to my mom a lot about building my website and making business cards and networking so I'll be getting into that a lot more really soon. I finally bought my domain name so I just need to make the website and everything. She has good connections and some friends out here in Chicago so hopefully I'll be able to get a job at a studio pretty soon. Regardless of whether or not I'll get to do much engineering, it'll be a step closer and a good thing to just be in that environment. There are so many different techniques Joe uses when he's mixing so imagine other engineers who didn't learn the same way he did, I'm sure I'll learn a ton. I'm having fun with it and I'm really not too worried about finding a job because this is all I want to do and all I have my heart set on so I'm confident I can succeed with engineering.
Jessica Sherman — Chicago Recording Connection
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Jessica Sherman
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Jessica Sherman
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