Adrian Grijalva RuizColorado Springs Recording Connection

Session 2 not a complete Disaster. Posted on 2016-08-08 by Adrian Grijalva Ruiz

Sunday, Aug 7th 2K16

I did'nt do so hot on my quiz, some of the wording in the questions were a bit confusing. However, I fully understand the three questions I got wrong.

Question # 5- If you don't have a MIDI controller, you can use which feature to control aspects of Live's interface?

I answered you could use your computer MIDI keyboard, when the answer clearly was- Key Mapping. Even though you can use your computer MIDI keyboard you can "Key Map" certain hot keys that will help you with your production flow.


Qustion # 6- Which is NOT true about the Back to Arrangement button? 

I answered you can use it on a track by track basis in the Arrangement View, which is not true. The correct answer is you can find the Arragement button next to the control bar by the transport. I know this is true because I can see it in my live sets.


Question # 9- The setting in the Quantization Menu does NOT control which of the following? 

I answered the timing of clips launched by scenes wich is not true, the quantization menu for clips launched by scenes can be controlled. The correct answer would be there is no control for the timing of MIDI notes in clips.


After the test, I was given the chance to make a quick song, just to show Josh how much I know and where I am at. I wasn't horrible, for a newbie. I can't wait to learn more so I can put my ideas in my head into Ableton.


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