Adrian Grijalva RuizColorado Springs Recording Connection

Life Posted on 2017-01-04 by Adrian Grijalva Ruiz

January 3rd 2K17


Every day we all have a wall to climb, hurdles to jump over, and priorities to handle. Throughout these past months I never would of thought I would be where I am now, I have taken the time to manage my time as best as I can with everything life thows at me. And I am sorry to say blogging has been the least of my priorities, yet it is an important piece of the puzzle that will help me in my future. That said, I hope to blog as often as I can. Back to the point, blogging.

Where do I begin, these past few months have been nothing but hard work and dediction. I have invested in my self with tools that I need to help me succeed as a music producer. I can't stress enough about how spoiled we are now in days, with so many resources at our finger tips. Everything from tutorials, project files, free samples, presets, you name it. It is there. Now all these things are great learning tools, not that you can't use them in a professional setting. However, they help guide the producer to great advantages. As an end result becoming a stronger producer faster than ever before. I can only imagine what the future has for us.

I am now on Module 5 Lesson 3, and from the begining to this point I have suprised myself with how much I have learned. I am now finishing up to 5 tracks in a week some are bangers some need some work but, my mentor has helped me out figure out the mysteries to variouse genres. I am so comfortable with Ableton Live I don't even think about how to do somthing in it. My creativity has boosted up thanks to my mentor and my dedication to working hard figuring it out. Let me not forget about the mixing and faux mastering stage, I still have to keep practicing. Yet, I will probably be doing just that all my career. My songs are now just as strong, beafy, loud, and interesting as my favorite songs I listen to on Google Play. Though I am not an audio engineer, nor is it in my curriculumn. My mentor still teaches me awesome tricks and tips he does in that stage. I am getting the full package and more! We have also had some recording sessions that have gone real well, and I as always fortunate and grateful for digesting it all in. I am always asking for more.

I recently started a routine, Monday - Music Theory, Tuesday - Technology/Courses, Wednesday - Drum Programing, Thursday - Sound Design, Friday- Sunday- Make Songs! in between all that I fit my everyday life priorities like my family, 9-5 job, hitting up the gym that kind of thing. So far it has improved my craft, and it has improved me to be a better person. I did think of giving up at one time, but all I had to do was change my mind set. It was hard at first, but now I am on the right track and I am happy with the results. I will keep moving forward because I want to become this, I am dedicated and hungry to learn more. It is awesome when I collaborate with others, especially with my mentor. He thinks a lot like I do when producing and we have similar taste. Boy when we come up with a sick idea/track it is awesome to watch his facial reaction on the drops, I can tell he is having fun. That helps me learn too.

Nontheless, I hope who ever reads this and notices how much I have been slacking in my portal, don't be dissapointed. Hopfully as soon as I put up some links of tracks I have made it will turn that frown right side up. LOL

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